It is a beginner’s guide for all students who want to pursue the profession in future. It is a comprehensive interpretation of the activities, practices, and the entire process of financial accounting. Financial Accounting is a sea of theories in itself. This explains why most textbooks may not be able to discuss most of their topics in details. This particular one does its homework and accompanies learners through the experience in the most knowledgeable way.
Features of the textbook
Financial Accounting, 10th Edition offers modern teaching features that are great for students. They include;
1. Personalized Practice; ORION based features are integrated into personalized practice. There is the provision of instant feedback.
2. Interactive Online Textbook; in-net features like rich media and activities to facilitate engaged learning.
3. Modules for revision; materials for going through and accessing students’ knowledge are in-built. Students can interact with, comprehend, and retain concepts.
4. Embedded rich media; problems in financial accounting, interactive quizzes, and other resourceful are embedded throughout the text.
5. Practitioners’ word about the practice; high-profile practitioners share their experience in the field and provide insights. They also offer a peek into the real world situation of the actual world application of financial accounting in daily activities.
It encourages students who aspire to venture into this field for their livelihood or as a dream. Wiley Direct offers a fast, affordable, and easily accessible site for the book. You can access this textbook affordably and conveniently. Digital textbooks are the new thing in town. They have the following features;
- Personalized learning, video animations, and interactive and educational quizzes
- ORION personalized practice
- Individual progress reports for personal assessment
- Lifetime offline textbook access for conveniences
It is authored by experienced writers who have a broad knowledge of the field and exceptional intellect. They include John Hogget, John Medlin, Keryn Chalmers, Andreas Hellmann, Claire Beattle, and Jodie Maxfield. These are notable personalities in the field. They have been in practice for a long time. They know their way around. Students cannot find a better set of tutors to take them through the process than the mentioned ones.
This is a textbook that has properly selected content that is tailored to a great learning experience for the students. It does not leave out any subject that is important in the field of financial accounting 10th edition. The theory and practical of the book are addressed in an extensive manner. Wiley Direct is a friend to students who are dedicated to their education and learning. It offers an excellent experience for learners who use it as an alternative to annoying traditional learning instruments. Students can also do online learning. This was not possible in the past years. Wiley Direct enables all students to access quality learning materials regardless of their financial situation. It is a blessing to students in Australia and New Zealand. Various testimonials have praised their services. This is a great sign.